why a provider is a business no-brainer


Changing business practices and advancements in technology have increased cybersecurity risk exposure for business; that much is a given. But equally, increased connectivity and mobility, evermore reliance on the cloud and a culture of digital transformation have made managed security services a business no-brainer.

Security professionals are an expensive essential

Not every business can afford to establish and run a fully staffed, state-of-the-art security operations centre (SOC). Yet no business can afford to be without the protection that such a sophisticated cybersecurity solution provides.

The benefits of outsourcing cybersecurity to a managed security services provider (MSSP) are best reflected by the mirror of risk management in a rapidly evolving business environment.

Imagine a typical day in a typical office: email, expense reports, conference calls, purchase orders and so on. The cloud and mobility, “two small words that belie enormous complexity”, as Don Smith, senior director of cyber intelligence at managed services security provider Secureworks puts it, are extending the enterprise and putting many of these business processes in the hands of an external…

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