Automotive Cyber Security: A Crash Course on Protecting Cars Against Hackers


Modern vehicles have up to 50 different automotive IoT devices (computers)
hackers can attack. That’s why vehicle cybersecurity is critical for automobile

Modern cars have dozens of computers on board, and they’re
not just for running GPS or playing music. Computers monitor and control nearly
every system on your vehicle, including steering, brakes, and the engine
itself. This is why automotive cyber security is essential.

If a vehicle’s computer systems aren’t properly protected,
hackers can steal data or even take control of the vehicle. As you can imagine,
that makes automotive cyber security a major concern for consumers, auto companies,
and OEMs alike.

But what is there to know about automotive cyber security?
We’ll explore what cybersecurity in the automotive industry entails and what
the biggest threats are to automotive IoT and connected vehicles. We’ll also
share some insights from a recent webinar by Sectigo and Mentor Graphics on how
to protect connected vehicles from emerging cybersecurity threats.

Let’s hash it out.

Why Automotive Cyber Security Is Such A Big Deal

As we already mentioned, modern vehicles rely heavily on
computer systems to monitor and…

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