Before she leaves, Wynn setting NASA up for a reorganized, consolidated IT future


NASA is just getting started on what many expect to be a transformational reorganization.

This transformation, executives hope, will set the space agency up to develop the next great rocket or space probe in a more coordinated, efficient and secure way.

Renee Wynn, the outgoing NASA chief information officer, said she challenged her staff to come up with a new strategy to improve how NASA manages its IT staff, resources and systems. Implementing this new strategy will be at the top of the next CIO’s to-do list.

Wynn is retiring after about 30 years in government. Her last day is now April 30 or thereabouts instead of her original plan of leaving on March 31, a NASA spokeswoman confirmed.

Renee Wynn is retiring from federal service after 30 years.

“We are really coming along in using a blank sheet to reimagine what we should look like,” Wynn said during an “exit” interview on Ask the CIO. “Then from the July to December timeframe, they will have to write that out as an organization, put the boxes on the piece of paper, and develop the implementation plan for how do we go from our current state to the to-be state after the agency blesses the to-be state.”

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