Working from home raises risk of cyber scams: Here’s how to keep security in check

With many companies and organisations working from home during the lockdown, there has sadly been a jump in the number of cyber scams, especially with a COVID-19 theme. The role of a CISO, the chief information security officer, is very crucial in the current situation.

Avinash Prasad, Vice President and Head for Managed Security Services and Content Delivery Network, Tata Communications, says, “The global COVID-19 crisis and ensuing lockdown has created an immediate acceleration for all global businesses to address unique demands and business continuity plans, including remote working, rapidly.”

While cyber security has been taking the centre stage for the last few years as the big area of focus, leading to evolution and investments in security readiness, now with the majority of the workforce adapting to a work from home way of life, organisations are having to re-think elements of their approach to security for a truly borderless organisation.

Full look at WFH

While most organisations are channelling efforts towards ensuring service availability; on a parallel track they also need to look at securing systems, resources and data while activating necessary mechanics for…

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