Keeping Your Cybersecurity Strategy Agile And Dynamic


Cybercrimes have evolved rapidly over the last five years — cybercriminals are no longer isolated, loosely organized amateurs. They have become sophisticated, innovative and structured, posing a significant risk to government and business.

The attack methods deployed by threat actors have become highly creative and continue to evolve rapidly. They range from “fileless” and multi-behavior malware using new deception techniques to exfiltrate sensitive information to the use of emerging technologies, such as AI/ML to launch cyberattacks. Social engineering techniques have also accelerated in recent times to facilitate ransomware and malware infections across many IT and OT systems.

In our current battle against the novel coronavirus pandemic, the state of cybersecurity affairs should be elevated to “critical,” in my opinion. The number of phishing attacks, malware and online scams has been on the rise and I expect we will continue to see more hackers seeking to profit from people’s fear and anxiety.

Against this backdrop of evolving cyber threats and risks, many organizations still have only a static approach towards their cybersecurity strategies; I’d recommend and…

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