Get 11 Cyber Security training courses for a price that you pick / Boing Boing


As much as we’d all like to think otherwise, the reality is there are many out there hurting right now. Furloughs, cutbacks and job losses have left millions of Americans in a tough financial place, for some even far worse off than during the 2008 housing crisis economic downturn.

Many of those affected could use something to help get them back on the feet. And if it means a new career with the prospect of new job training, even that new lease on lease needs to come at an absolutely minimal cost.

As the Financial Times reports, “Tech companies are still hiring feverishly as they move to take advantage of a world shifting increasingly to digital.” And IT security experts will be a huge portion of that expanded workforce. The Complete Cyber Security Certification Training Bundle not only offers the background to get hired in one of those new positions, but students can even pay the price they want to pay for that training.

The package includes nine IT security certification prep courses with more than 100 hours of instruction in areas like ethical hacking, penetration testing, auditing and more.

All the biggest IT security acronyms are here in this…

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