A Vital Role — Campus Security & Life Safety

A Vital Role

A Vital Role

Campuses must embrace their responsibility to protect students and staff from cyber threats

From a campus security management standpoint, the
safety and security of students, staff, faculty and visitors
should be top of mind for administrators and security
staff alike. Ensuring the protection of people and facilities
reduces an institution’s potential risk and exposure.

Reducing Exposure

However, the need for protection is not only limited to the physical,
as digital assets, individuals’ identities and sensitive information are
constantly under attack from bad actors. In our increasingly connected
world, any and all devices and systems that are connected to a
network pose potential risk and could even be used as an entry point
to gain access to even more networks, systems and data.

These risks are not merely theoretical. In research conducted by
CDW-G, 60 percent of IT professionals surveyed said their institution

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