Handbook: Cyber-Risk Oversight 2020 – Help Net Security


The Internet Security Alliance (ISA) and the European Confederation of Directors’ Associations (ecoDa) released Cyber-Risk Oversight 2020, a handbook on cyber-risk management for corporate boards of directors in Europe.

Cyber-Risk Oversight 2020

Improving cybersecurity and risk management

“A cyberattack is not what a Board of Directors wants to face in the midst of the Corona crisis. Our handbook will help prevent such a scenario”, said Béatrice Richez-Baum, Director General at ecoDa.

“The COVID-19 virus is a catalyst for expanded digital transformation. We are already seeing substantial adaptation by organizations who are being forced to operate in an increasingly on-line fashion,” said ISA President Larry Clinton.

“As enterprises move ever more quickly to adopt online mechanisms, it is easy to forget that these needed innovations also can create increased cyber risk. This handbook provides a roadmap for organization’s leaders to follow and increase the resiliency of their systems in this new environment.”

Cyber-Risk Oversight 2020: The features

The new handbook, is co-branded by ISA, AIG and ecoDa, will be based on the Cyber Risk Handbooks ISA has previously developed for…

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