A how-to guide for overcoming ransomware attacks


Recently, fears sparked by the COVID-19 pandemic have motivated bad actors to target hospitals and medical services, keeping them “digitally hostage”. As a consequence, Interpol has issued a ‘purple notice’ to forewarn police forces stationed around the world. Even industries such as manufacturing, which may once have been considered low-risk, are now subject to cyber attacks as they begin to adopt ‘smart’ technologies, expanding the threat landscape exponentially.

The 2017 NotPetya and WannaCry attacks are evidence of this. From the logistics and supply chain conglomerate, Maersk, to automotive companies such as Renault and Nissan, as well as the mail service FedEx, thousands of organisations have had their data compromised and held for millions of dollars in ransom.

However, one should not assume that big corporations are the only ones being affected. Indeed, according to Datto’s ‘Global State of the Channel Ransomware Report’, 85% of managed service providers confirm that ransomware is the most common malware threat to small and medium-sized businesses.

These statistics and anecdotes clearly demonstrate not solely the ruthless nature of cybercriminals, but…

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