Zero-day Vulnerabilities and the Visibility Gap Challenge During Mass Remote Work


As the world collectively deals with COVID-19, many organizations have enacted company-wide work from home policies to help slow the spread of the virus. For many organizations the sudden requirement to support home working en masse has exposed an uncomfortable reality: critical visibility gaps are everywhere, and they could seriously escalate cybersecurity risk.

Media reports of flaws discovered highlight the importance of comprehensive insight and control across the entire estate of digital assets. That can only come from a unified platform: a single version of the truth to unite siloed IT and security teams.

Hacking the home

Several stats highlight the huge shift in working patterns taking place in many countries around the world over recent weeks. VPN usage in Italy spiked by 112% in the week the government lockdown was announced, while separate figures show increases across enterprise VPN servers and a 65% increase in CPN demand during this quarter of 2020, compared to 2019. Video conferencing apps have also seen a surge in users as daily users have soared to the hundreds of millions in March.

However, this is where security problems can emerge for organizations. Without…

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