Supplier management — implementing at speed for the coronavirus crisis


As part of our steady supply of analysis, news and coverage on the effects of COVID-19 and the disruption to procurement activities, the world’s supply chains and business in general, Spend Matters has been garnering expert insight from procurement technology vendors to help firms with their navigation strategies or coping mechanisms.

We have amassed a whole spectrum of insight through our Coronavirus Response series to bring you a set of go-to places for specific guidance and advice during this time of crisis. One key area is supplier information and performance management (SXM). To that, we recently joined a webinar-based conversation with State of Flux, who, as experts in the field, are working with firms around the globe to help them build business resilience toward supplier risk exposure.

Ongoing State of Flux global research shows that the majority of organizations are typically in a position of significant supplier risk exposure, but a very large majority are exposed from a pandemic-triggered risk perspective. When non-typical risk such as this affects business continuity, it is by nature not one that we are sufficiently prepared for, therefore its consequences can be…

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