How can security leaders maximize security budgets during a time of budget cuts?


It’s no secret that the current pandemic is causing a major strain on consumers and businesses alike. As the U.S. teeters on the verge of a recession, companies are cutting their spending wherever they can — including in cybersecurity. Gartner estimates that security faces cuts as high as $6.7 billion — an unfortunate outcome, particularly since most organizations are also experiencing an expansion of their attack surface as a result of more people working from home.

In some ways, cuts in security budget aren’t surprising. Security has experienced growing budgets for years, but many security professionals have a hard time explaining to executives and board members what, exactly, they’re getting for the spend. Executives have struggled to understand cyber risk for some time, and in a tough economic environment, security is easier to put on the chopping block if it is perceived as a “tax” on the business.

But while some security programs have become bloated, many don’t necessarily deserve to be cut. Given the gravity of today’s situation, it’s time for security leaders to step in and do what they can to justify spending that bolsters their company’s…

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