Cyber-attacks thrust IT compliance to the top of the business agenda


Article by Stax founder and CPO James Coxon.

With companies accelerating their digital transformation efforts thanks to COVID-19, many may assume compliance would fall to the bottom of the to-do list. But cyber-attacks, such as the one reported by the Australian Government last month, only highlight the need for companies to ensure their compliance is watertight.

If an organisation is running on the cloud, its ecosystem has to be compliant with industry standards and frameworks. Here are some tips on how to ensure compliance processes are fit for purpose.

Start and start now

As the Chinese proverb goes, “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now”. The same goes for compliance. 

However far along the compliance road the organisation is, there is no better time to focus on making sure the entire ecosystem is secure and compliant than now.

Sometimes compliance can feel a bit daunting, but there’s no need to boil the ocean. Get started by breaking the project up into digestible chunks of action and start with the low-hanging fruit. 


Review and rejig

Start by reviewing the compliance processes already in place. 

Even if there…

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