Which cybersecurity failures cost companies the most and which defenses have the highest ROI?


Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) scientists have created a cryptographic platform that allows companies to securely share data on cyber attacks they suffered and the monetary cost of their cybersecurity failures without worrying about revealing sensitive information to their competitors or damaging their own reputation.

The SCRAM platform allows defenders to learn from past attacks and provides insight into which cyber-risk control areas require additional scrutiny or investment.

Privacy-preserving platform offers answers

“In the past, the only way to aggregate and share information about cyber attacks was through a trusted third party,” explained the students, economists, cryptography and internet policy experts who worked on this project under the auspices of MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL).

But that third party could be breached, the data stolen and disclosed. The data could also be accidentally disclosed. For these reasons, companies often refused to participate in such schemes and share information about their losses.

SCRAM (Secure Cyber Risk Aggregation and Measurement) has, according to its creators, solved that…

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