Don’t Compromise Security For Business Continuity This Patch Tuesday


By the time UK CISOs encounter this month’s Patch Tuesday many organisations will have been working from home for almost 6 months. The shift of the UK workforce to indefinite remote working has created the combined challenges of VPN bottlenecks, a surge in unprotected endpoints, and remote working stresses that threaten to expose corporate assets to elevated cyber risk. 

 In this unique climate, endpoint visibility and control are crucial for security leaders fighting to manage risk whilst supporting business continuity.

Patching problems

Even before lockdown, Patch Tuesday was becoming increasingly fraught for many organisations. Digital transformation is expanding the corporate attack surface and escalating IT complexity, while attackers are getting smarter at exploiting bugs. 

COVID-19 has pushed these challenges to the limit, as mass home working creates and compounds critical visibility gaps. In fact, our research revealed that 85 percent of business leaders thought they prepared to manage the shift to widespread working from home. Despite the majority feeling confident they could face new security challenges, 98 percent revealed that they faced security…

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