An Equipment Pre-Purchase Guide for Small to Medium Manufacturers


Purchasing robots, CNC machines and other industrial equipment for manufacturing operations can be a difficult process, and one fraught with uncertainty, especially for small-to-medium manufacturers. The US’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) has some suggestions and best practices designed to support decision making and reduce the risk.

An Equipment Pre-Purchase Guide for Small to Medium Manufacturers


NIST Manufacturing Extension PartnershipA survey small and medium-sized manufacturers found that they do not like to compromise on quality when it comes to communications devices, vehicles or tea (yes tea), but were more likely to skimp when it came to things like manufacturing equipment. Whether it is a new computer for the office or a robotic welding station for the shop floor, purchasing new equipment is a decision about risk. A poor purchasing decision can result in a waste of resources and possibly a safety or cybersecurity incident.

Many Considerations
Before you purchase or otherwise acquire a piece of equipment, whether it be a CNC machine, robotic system or a cell phone, there are many things to consider: How will it be financed? What special safety or cybersecurity…

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