Vulcan Cyber Adds Remediation Analytics to Provide …

New Vulcan remediation analytics provides security and IT executives with unfettered visibility into the state of remediation campaigns.

Tel Aviv – November 4, 2020  Vulcan Cyber®, developers of the industry’s only end-to-end vulnerability remediation orchestration platform, today announced the addition of powerful business intelligence capabilities for cyber risk management. New Vulcan remediation analytics dashboarding capabilities provide security and IT leaders with a clear and comprehensive view into the state of vulnerability remediation efforts across the organization. Featuring fully customizable dashboards, Vulcan now delivers real-time visibility into the effectiveness and outcomes of remediation campaigns. 

In related news, today Vulcan Cyber also announced the launch of Vulcan Remedy Cloud, a free service that helps vulnerability management teams expedite remediation.

“Remediation campaigns are fluid, as are the risks they seek to eliminate. Our customers want the ability to quickly source whatever data they might need to move remediation campaigns forward,” says Tal Morgenstern, co-founder and CPO, Vulcan Cyber. “They want to manage risk,…

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