COVID-19 pandemic prompts insurance programme structure rethink

COVID-19 pandemic prompts insurance programme structure rethink

Insurance brokers are now working with their clients to rethink the structure of insurance programmes as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to alter the business landscape, according to Austbrokers Comsure Insurance Brokers.

Stephen Hamill, the director for risk management at Austbrokers Comsure Insurance Brokers, said the pandemic and other factors had created circumstances that prompted brokers to help their clients navigate through a now unstable environment.

“Global manufacturing markets and supply chains are under extreme pressure, so Australian businesses must understand their exposure to and reliance on international markets when considering business continuity planning,” said Hamill in a new white paper entitled, ‘Navigating Risk in a Time of Change’.

“The availability of capital will be key to business expansion moving forward, and financiers…

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