Survey: Pandemic pervades executives’ top 10 risks for 2021 | Article


That was the key finding of a new survey conducted by global consulting firm Protiviti and North Carolina State University’s Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Initiative, “Executive Perspectives on Top Risks for 2021 and 2030,” which polled 1,081 board members and C-suite executives globally on risks likely to affect their business this year and a decade from now.

Respondents were polled on 36 macroeconomic, strategic, and operational risks, including new ones that emerged in 2020 from the coronavirus pandemic and social justice issues. They were asked to rate each risk on a 10-point scale, with a score of one reflecting “no impact at all” and a score of 10 reflecting the belief the risk will have an “extensive impact” on the business.

“If there’s any risk that all organizations across industries and geographies must maintain focus on, it’s cyber-security and privacy.”

Patrick Scott, EVP of Industry Programs, Protiviti

“More than ever, 2020 demonstrated that organizations can no longer afford a reactive approach to risk management,” said Jim DeLoach, a managing director with Protiviti and co-author of the report. “Business leaders must be…

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