Statement from AWWA CEO David LaFrance on cyberattack in Florida | News


DENVER, Feb. 9, 2021 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — The Pinellas County Sheriff’s Department in Florida reports that on Feb. 5 a hacker accessed the water treatment system in Oldsmar, Fla. AWWA Chief Executive Officer David LaFrance issued the below statement regarding the cyberattack.

The Feb. 5 hacking incident on a Florida water utility is a jarring reminder that the threat of cyberattacks on critical water infrastructure is both real and serious. We live in a world where cyber intrusions are increasingly common in our personal and professional lives. Given the essential nature of water service, it’s well known that water infrastructure – and water treatment plants of all sizes — are potential targets of people with bad intentions.

While the Florida incident is unsettling, there are some takeaways that should bring us confidence. First, while the hacker was able to gain access, it appears a vigilant water operator thwarted any potential harm. There’s no clearer demonstration that water professionals are essential workers, and the work they do each day…

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