Why Supply Chains Are Today’s Fastest Growing Cybersecurity Threat


Business ecosystems have expanded over the years owing to the many benefits of diverse, interconnected supply chains, prompting organizations to pursue close, collaborative relationships with their suppliers. However, this has led to increased cyber threats when organizations expose their networks to their supply chain and it only takes one supplier to have cybersecurity vulnerabilities to bring a business to its knees. To this point governments around the world have highlighted supply chains as an area for urgent attention in tackling cyber risk in the coming years.

Looking Beyond Your Own Perimeter

Over the last few years, many organizations have worked hard to improve their cyber defenses and are increasingly ‘harder targets’. However, for these well-defended organizations, now the greatest weaknesses in their defenses are their suppliers, who are typically less well defended but with whom they are highly interconnected.

At the same time, the cyber threat landscape has intensified, and events of the past year have meant that security professionals are not only having to manage security in a remote working set up and ensure employees have good accessibility, they are…

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