Optimizing board decision-making | Norman Marks on Governance, Risk Management, and Audit

> Risk > Optimizing board decision-making

Optimizing board decision-making

There’s an interesting article on the London Stock Exchange page: Optimizing board decision-making in the eye of a storm. It is written by an individual that advises boards and directors in the UK.


Risk and audit professionals need to think about what their customers need and how that is changing in these dynamic and turbulent times. They should consider whether there is a need to change one or more of:

  • What they are addressing
  • When and how often it is being addressed
  • The time it takes to do that
  • How the results of their work are communicated, including the speed of that communication


The author references a director who is on “an experienced board with battle-hardened veterans in both the ranks of the executive and non-executive directors.” Even so, “he indicated that the board and executive team seriously struggled with the enormity of the challenges facing the organisation”.

He continues:

While he indicated that the board were quite mature in terms of risk management and business continuity planning, the sheer scale of the Covid-19 crisis literally floored the board both in terms of the scale of business impact, the impact on their employees and currently how difficult it is to plan for the…
