Why the ability to predict cybersecurity threats matter


  • Expert reckons that a shift from a reactive strategy toward proactivity might be needed within an organization when dealing with cyber threats
  • Identifying risks ahead of time, blocking any threats before they can adversely affect your business is extremely important

It takes just one attack and millions of people’s data could be harmed. At worst, state-run organizations can be shut down and services can’t be provided to citizens. Hence why data security is currently more essential than ever because the present cybersecurity threats are unimaginably sophisticated.

One thing is certain though – security experts face an everyday fight to identify and assess new dangers, identify possible mitigation measures, and find some solution for the residual risk. For context, cyberattacks are now so common, recent reports show that hackers attack a computer in the US every 39 seconds.

That said, the current and definitely for the upcoming age of cybersecurity threats, agile and smart approaches that can quickly adjust to new and unexpected attacks are absolutely necessary. Currently, responses to cyberattacks are defensive or…

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