Six ways to battle 2021 tax season identify theft


Understand the signs of a data compromise.

Not being aware of the signs is the first mistake most individuals and businesses make. Some tell-tale signs include unfamiliar or unauthorized credit charges, missing bills or bills for goods, services or utilities never received, and suspicious activity on one’s bank or credit card statements.
(Photo: Bigstock/Free Use Image/ALM Media archives)

Keep home operating systems current with the latest security patches.

While appropriate defense systems vary greatly based on the system, a simple preventative measure includes turning on the automatic update feature in many of your security programs.
(Photo: Song_about_summer/

Double-check the security of your home computer network.

Protect your computer network by using strong passwords (and changing them often, which many don’t do frequently).
(Photo: Prostock-studio/

File online from your home or a secure network.

Don’t file your return electronically from a public Wi-Fi network, where hackers could steal your information.

Closely monitor financial documents.

Criminals look for W-2s, tax…

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