The SOC is blind to the attackable surface


A security operations center (SOC) is the central nervous system of any advanced cybersecurity program. Yet even the most well-funded, highly organized and properly equipped SOC is often no match for a simple misconfiguration error.

SOC cybersecurity program

Organizations have piled security controls upon security controls, and still remain largely blind to the most serious threats they face. Why? Because they are often blind to the attackable surface.

Defenders think in lists, adversaries think in attack graphs

The organizations’ ability to detect and respond to threats is, in many cases, deeply inadequate. The reason for this isn’t a lack of tools or training, but an outmoded perspective.

Placing your faith in conventional security controls is a recipe for ruin. Firewalls, vulnerability management and endpoint tools may offer a base layer of protection, but they are inherently weak without an added layer that includes analysis of daily exposures caused by configuration errors, exploitable vulnerabilities, mismanaged credentials and other common points of risk.

Relying on conventional processes often leaves security staff in a familiar position: besieged with alerts and endless software…

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