FDIC partners with Duke engineering to work on the next round of innovation


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In an unlikely sounding pairing, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has formed what it calls a strategic partnership with engineering school at Duke University. Students will work with the FDIC on innovation in topics like finance and risk management. For more details, the director of Duke’s Master of Engineering in fintech and cybersecurity programs, Jimmie Lenz, spoke to Federal Drive with Tom Temin.

Tom Temin: Dr. Lenz, good to have you on.

Jimmie Lenz: Great to be here, Tom, thanks very much for the invitation.

Tom Temin: When I think of engineering school, I think of bridges and girders and rocket ships, but not FDIC. So what is the connection here to begin with?

Jimmie Lenz: Yeah, that’s a great question. We, in the engineering school build things. We build all kinds of things. And one of the things that we’re building probably more often than not, are things that are a little less tangible than the bridges and buildings. And as FinTech continues to grow, the need for people with those skills, as applied skills…

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