Splunk : The Fiscal Year 2022 President’s Budget Request – A Quick Look


President Biden released his first annual budget request on May 28. From this Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 request, we can see several key focus areas across the Federal government in matters pertaining to data, information technology, and cybersecurity. Although the annual budget request is just that – a request made to Congress for funding of which Congress is under no obligation to follow – it does provide a roadmap for where Federal spending is heading in the coming year and likely years to come.

Civilian Agencies

The Biden Administration’s stated top priorities for federal civilian agencies are IT modernization, cybersecurity and improving the federal IT and cyber workforce. To execute on these top priorities, the Administration has requested $58.4 billion for FY 2022 federal civilian agencies IT spend, a 2.4% increase over FY 2021. The proposed budget would support delivering critical citizen services, reducing cybersecurity risk, modernizing legacy IT, recruiting and reskilling the federal IT workforce, keeping sensitive data and systems secure, migrating agencies to commercial cloud…

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