Why bad security is worse than no security


AND Digital’s Jeff Watkins discusses the dangerous cybersecurity skills gap and what should be done to tackle the problem.

Click here to view the full Infosec Week series.

With technology firmly forming the backbone of modern industry, it comes as no surprise that with such innovation comes great threat. The shift to digital has meant many organisations have had to scramble for quick-fix solutions to enable business continuity, especially since the pandemic began. What isn’t always considered though, is the increased vulnerability to cybercrime this entails.

It’s a fact that cybersecurity is certainly not a strong point for most organisations – the skills simply aren’t there. In the UK for example, high proportions of businesses lack staff with technical, incident response and governance skills needed to manage their cybersecurity, estimating that an uncomfortable 48pc of companies have a basic skills gap. Meanwhile, Cyber Ireland estimates a global shortfall between 1.8m and 3.5m security professionals within five years.

With quantum computing being a feasible method of attack in the near future alongside the otherwise immense rate of technical evolution, a roughly two to three-year…

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