Third-party identity risk management, compliance, or both?


Third-party risk management and compliance have traditionally gone hand-in-hand. One is a business requirement, the other a business necessity. So, which comes first? Or rather, which should come first?

third-party identity risk management

Third-party identity risk management

Before diving into this question further, it’s worth noting that 51% of organizations surveyed by SecureLink and the Ponemon Institute have experienced a data breach caused, either directly or indirectly, by a third party.

In the age of digital transformation, organizations are increasingly relying upon the use of third-party workers, including contractors, vendors, affiliate workers, and even “things” such as IoT devices and bots to drive greater innovation and customer value. The evolution of how people work has also changed, accelerated in large part by COVID-19, resulting in expanded cloud infrastructure networks for many organizations.

Additionally, the pandemic has shattered the historical perimeter with both employees and scores of third-party users (non-employees) requiring remote access. Unfortunately, while remote access levels for third-party workers have sky-rocketed, identity and access management systems…

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