New Gartner Report Identifies Cybersecurity Control Failure as #1 Executive Concern for 2021


With a variety of risks growing out of the pandemic, cybersecurity control failures was listed as the top executive concern during Q1 2021. According to the Gartner Emerging Risks Monitor Report, 67% of senior executives stated that the risk of cybersecurity control failure is their number one concern.

The Gartner poll consisted of 165 senior-level executives of different industries and regions, reflecting that these risks are prevalent concerns across the board. Second to cybersecurity risk, “the new working model” was cited as a top emerging risk. All top five concerns were internal risks, with remote talent management, organizational cultural degradation, and strategic corrections rounding out the list of pressing concerns according to executives. This is not to say that there is any shortage of external risks impacting operational activities, but the risk areas highlighted show just how much COVID-19 has impacted businesses and their future operations in a digital-first world.

For more information on Cyber and IT Risk Management post-COVID-19, download Gartner’s NEW Hype Cycle for Cyber & IT Risk Management report.

“Many organizations were forced to implement…

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