How To Use AI To Help Keep Your Financial Data Safe


Cybercrime is on the rise. In fact, recent research shows a 600% increase in global cybercrime since the beginning of the pandemic. With remote and hybrid work here to stay, there’s a growing opportunity for cybercriminals to take advantage of disparate and disconnected systems to compromise key data.

While any breach is worrisome, certain types of information — such as financial data related to transactions, payroll, or purchases — pose significantly more risk to corporate reputation and revenue. Best case scenario: Issues are caught early and damage is minimal. Worst case: Attackers steal and sell data online, while companies are on the hook for monetary losses and reduced customer trust.

It’s not all bad news: Advancements in artificial intelligence tools can help safeguard your financial data. Here’s how.

How Hackers Attack

Malicious actors aren’t picky about how they access systems. Put simply, if they see an opening, they’ll take it. The recent shift to remote work offers an abundance of opportunities. 

Common attack vectors include:

  • Phishing: Phishing attacks see hackers sending fraudulent emails that encourage staff to open malicious links or…

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