How a bill of materials prevents an agency from buying a bill of goods


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SBOM. It sounds like a play on a word you can’t say, but it stands for software bill of materials. And that big executive order on cybersecurity from last May urged federal agencies to understand and use SBOMs as part of their risk management efforts. Joining me to explain exactly what a software bill of materials is, and how you can use it, the chief technologist for cyber and technology at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, Dr. Georgianna Shea spoke to Federal Drive with Tom Temin.

Tom Temin: Dr. Shea, good to have you on.

Georgianna Shea: Thank you for having me.

Tom Temin: And let’s begin by discussing a little bit of your own background, because you’ve spent some serious time in the Defense Department on cyber issues, correct?

Georgianna Shea: Correct. I’ve spent over 20 years working in DoD, predominantly on cyber warfare related issues. So really trying to understand what the adversary is doing, how they’re doing it, and how we protect our systems.

Tom Temin: And they probably have SBOMs. So let’s begin…

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