Protecting OT Networks from Cyber Attacks


Heavy industrial firms provide crucial infrastructure for the global economy, whether they create or transmit power or extract or refine oil, gas, or minerals. As a result, cyber-criminals find them appealing targets. By 2018, approximately 60% of firms polled had experienced a compromise in their industrial control (ICS) or supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) technologies.


DevOps Experience

Upstream, midstream, and downstream, the corporation is active in the industry value chain. It had been attacked on both its IT and operational technology (OT) systems, which were segregated from one another, as they are in most firms. IT network security and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems have both been targeted by cyber-attacks. A ransomware assault, email phishing tactics, and website defacement were all experienced by the organization. Massive volumes of data were exposed to potential manipulation as the corporation was digitizing several systems, including vital controllers, posing a risk of catastrophic mishaps. The organization concentrated on three crucial steps.


Even as it underwent a digital transformation that heightened the vulnerability of its…

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