Customs and Border Protection uses large toolbox for identity and access management


Identity and access management, along with zero trust architecture and supply chain risk management, are key foundational points of the president’s cybersecurity executive order issued in May, after several high-profile cyber attacks hit public and private sector networks in ways that affected wide swaths of the country.

But identity and identity access management are also key to getting to zero trust.

“Part of the zero trust architecture is presuming that you’ve been breached. So it’s no longer perimeter facing, it’s making sure that we’re verifying identity and access, internal and all the time,” Scott Davis, U.S. Customs and Border Protection acting chief information security officer, said on Federal Monthly Insights — Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Secure Identity and Access Management. “So it’s continuous monitoring of those things. But we do work with [the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency] — they’ve given us, whether it’s directives or reporting, and then alerts on risks and threats that are coming down.”

The goal of CBP’s identity and access management program…

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