DNV acquires cyber security specialist Applied Risk – ShipInsight


DNV is to acquire Netherlands-based industrial cyber security specialist Applied Risk. The two companies will join forces with the aim to build the world’s largest industrial cyber security practice, defending critical infrastructure in maritime and other industrial sectors against emergent cyber threats.

Threats to industrial cyber security are becoming more common, complex, and creative. The maritime industry witnessed a 400% increase in attempted attacks between February and June 2020 alone, according to Naval Dome. Recovery from an attack can cost organizations hundreds of millions of dollars.

Many of the world’s largest shipping companies and other maritime organizations have been subject to serious cyber security attacks. The IMO, which encountered an attack itself last year, has placed renewed focus on this issue. In January 2021, it introduced new guidelines stating that a ship’s safety management system should account for cyber risk management in compliance with the ISM Code. Technology research company Gartner forecasts that cyber criminals will go beyond making attacks for financial gain this decade, and progressively weaponize industrial control systems…

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