Auditing Risk Culture | Norman Marks on Governance, Risk Management, and Audit


Earlier this year, the Institute of Internal Auditors Australia published Auditing Risk Culture, A practical Guide.

It’s a very interesting publication. They start with a definition of ‘risk culture’, something that I believe is a challenge in practice but that they address well.

Culture is a characteristic of a group of people – the shared perceptions about what behaviour is ‘correct’, prioritised and likely to be rewarded. Organisations pursue many different strategic priorities and operate in different political, economic and social contexts, so their cultures vary.

Individual behaviour is affected by the way in which actions are rewarded or punished. In the workplace, people learn what is acceptable behaviour by observing the behaviour (including speech) of peers and managers. Behaviour that is repeated regularly becomes the norm, or ‘the way we do things around here’. Behaviour of managers and leaders is particularly important in demonstrating the priorities of the organisation.

Risk culture is an aspect of broader organisational culture. Risk culture refers to the behavioural norms that help or hinder effective risk management. Some definitions of risk culture also incorporate the group’s underlying values and assumptions about risk management, and others incorporate policies and…
