DHS partners with DoD to draft 5G security evaluation methodology


The Department of Homeland Security is developing a new security evaluation methodology for fifth-generation wireless technologies, partnering with the Defense Department and the National Institute of Standards and Technology on a process officials say can readily apply to a broad range of federal use cases.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency along with DoD’s 5G Initiative program are spearheading the effort. CISA is charged with leading 5G risk management efforts for the federal government. Meanwhile, DoD has been deploying 5G networks and testing various use cases at military bases across the country.

“This partnership really looks to address that demand, the need to assess 5G technologies and incorporate it into our operational environment,” Vincent Sritapan, section chief of CISA’s Cybersecurity Quality Services Management Office, said during a conference hosted by Palo Alto Networks last week.

The project has yielded a five-step process agencies and other organizations can use to determine their security requirements for a given project:

  • Step One: Define the Federal 5G Use…

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