GAO Says CISA Could Do More to Support the Communications Sector


The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has not assessed the effectiveness of its programs and services to support the communications sector, the government watchdog says.

The communications sector is an integral component of the U.S. economy and faces serious physical, cyber-related, and human threats that could affect the operations of local, regional, and national level networks, according to CISA and sector stakeholders. The sector (which includes broadcast, cable, satellite, wireless, and wireline communications) also depends on other critical infrastructure sectors—in particular, the energy, information technology, and transportation systems sectors—and any damage, disruption, or destruction to one of these could severely impact communications operations.

CISA is the designated lead agency, or sector risk management agency, responsible for coordinating efforts to help protect and improve the security and resilience of the communications sector. It primarily supports the communications sector through incident management and information-sharing activities, such as coordinating federal activities to support the sector during severe weather events and…

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