Cyber Risk Management in the Supply Chain


In today’s business world, operating within a supply chain is standard procedure; it’s how we ensure the smooth delivery of products, systems and services to the end customer, but these digitised webs of businesses working together can be large and complex, introducing various cyber risks

Supply chain attacks are a popular method for cybercriminals to reach multiple businesses or a very large business at the top of the chain, often by targeting weak links. The first quarter of 2021 saw a 42% increase in these kinds of attacks and it’s showing no signs of slowing. Supply chain attacks can be detrimental, as we saw with the attack on SolarWinds in 2020 which affected many companies’ systems, including those of huge corporations like Microsoft and Government departments.

No matter the business, putting the right measures in place to manage cyber risk in your supply chain is crucial to protecting your business and minimising the chance of an attack.

Understand the risks

The main vulnerability for the supply chain begins when companies start sharing their data and access to their systems. Of course, this is often necessary, but a good first step is knowing who you are…

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