External file transfers – do they need to be a risky business?


Hybrid working, although a recently evolved model of working, is here to stay for the foreseeable future. Yet how safe is file sharing within it?

We speak to Nicole Lin, MD of Synology UK to gain her opinion on this very current issue for business owners. Whilst some business owners debate the longevity of this model it does make sense for SMEs to ensure their cyber security processes are suitable for this new way of working. There are many benefits to hybrid working which smaller businesses are best placed to capitalise on, but there is also an increase in risk too.

Whilst setting-up and maintaining secure IT systems should be straight forward for SMEs, the plethora of options combined with the exponential rate of growth in IT services has made this a minefield for many business owners. Everyday tasks, such as sending files to external partners, suppliers, and clients should be simple and yet too often this is where many firms fail at the first hurdle.

We know that external file transfers create a security challenge, but the movement of sensitive data to external end users is also a core operational process for every business, including SMEs. So how can SMEs minimise…

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