Making Money Is Not a Mission: 10 Essays on the Compliance Culture Revolution From Michael Volkov


As broad terms like “culture” continue to gain devotees, it may seem natural to conclude that more businesses and organizations are embracing ethical behavior. But when they’re asked to explain how they manage, measure and monitor their company’s culture, many of those responsible for doing just that don’t have much in the way of details.

As author and attorney Michael Volkov explains in his eBook, “Making Money Is Not a Mission,” too few organizations have a clear grasp on corporate culture and business ethics and even fewer are pouring adequate resources into maintaining this crucial component of their company. In his eBook, Volkov offers 10 essays that may help change the way you think about corporate culture and what it means to “do the right thing.”

The insights and opinions Volkov shares can help organizations rethink their approaches to building strong, positive, ethical culture on their teams. Download your copy below.

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