Achieving excellence in a complicated IIoT constellation


Updating operations to support a universe of internet-connected things comes with an array of challenges. How, where (and why) should you start? Fleur Doidge reports.

Manufacturers forging an Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) constellation to drive myriad elements of productivity, visibility and efficiency often seek to adapt older or more traditional equipment in the process. However, Graham Upton, Chief Architect, Intelligent Industry, Capgemini, confirms that many struggle to get the desired results despite successful proofs-of-concept – and not just because the tech isn’t always compatible.

milky way constellations - Image courtesy of Jeremy Thomas-4dpAqfTbvKA-unsplash

Image courtesy of Jeremy Thomas/ Unsplash

IIoT enablement might well drive performance and machine visibility but when scaling up and out, problems emerge. Often, they haven’t fully developed the business case, he says. “Everybody forgets there’s the human factor to learn as well,” Upton adds. For instance, he has seen staff simply file their IoT-connected iPads or other devices in a drawer and ignore them, sticking to…

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