Jordan Raess ’10 – Knox College


What do you do in your current job? 

Right now, I’m leading information security efforts related to the divestiture of TransUnion’s healthcare business. It’s a new role for me. I’ve never done the divestiture part before; I’ve primarily focused on mergers and acquisitions information security efforts. I’m really enjoying it. It’s a lot of work, but it’s fun.

I’m managing these efforts based on my experience as the information security officer for the healthcare business. In that role, I coordinated information security’s risk and compliance management for healthcare senior leadership. This role required an in-depth knowledge of the business, so when they sold it, my boss asked if I would help. 

How did Knox prepare you for this?

Knox taught me how to think critically about things, how to piece things together. I did my senior project for Jonathan Powers, assistant professor and current chair of economics, with two friends on how cell phone pricing works. We went to different stores in Galesburg and learned about different variables that relate to pricing. All the random challenges I was presented with at Knox taught me that sometimes you have to…

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