April 21 | Data security 101 for compliance teams | Webcast


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With the rise of more sophisticated cyber threats, including ransomware and extortionware, organizations are at a heightened risk for suffering a costly data breach, enterprise corruption, and personally identifiable information (PII) theft. While the owner of cybersecurity threat risk might be the chief information security officer (CISO), compliance teams should be a strategic partner to the cybersecurity risk management program. Because of this new reality, compliance organizations are being forced to deal with emerging security processes and technologies daily.

To better address these changing responsibilities, compliance departments must be up to speed with emerging security threats. This includes understanding the new technologies, processes, and procedures their organization will need to employ to ensure they don’t run afoul of the modern data privacy environment.

This webinar will explore:

  • How CISOs and chief compliance officers can partner to ensure cybersecurity risk management.
  • What constitutes a data breach.
  • What is…

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