Stress Happens. Have You Checked on Your Well-Being?


Regular fare for compliance professionals includes threats of regulatory enforcement, loss of resources, businesspeople who are intent on undermining the program, investigations into challenging areas, audits, ongoing remediations and many other situations. Ensuring that we are emotionally well and aligned with our purpose is important in an era of dwindling resources. Just as we conduct risk assessments of our compliance program and have annual physicals with our doctors, so, too, can we monitor our own well-being.

A well-being assessment is an excellent tool because it can help you understand current well-being state and create a solid foundation for making changes in alignment with your goals. With the right information at your fingertips, you can be prepared to make better decisions, which will help drive the quality of life that you want. Conducting a proper well-being assessment creates actionable moments and insights into your life.

To make your well-being assessment actionable, it needs to be easy and straightforward.

There are many versions of the dimensions of well-being, but for this article we will focus on six: body, mind, financial, social, environmental, and meaning and purpose. Here are some sample questions you can ask yourself in each area:
