Information security management or cyber security management


Hello to all. This is going to be my first real post here in this nice forum. I noticed this forum is still pretty active although many other famous forums are currently almost dead.


Here I want do discuss, talk about, and chitchat about a research topic that I want to go through for a university project. Hearing others ideas is important to fine tune your topic selection. I’m actually doing a DBA or a doctorate of business administration that is. That’s part of the problem actually. My background is technical (My Bachelor is in Electronic Engineering, and my Master is in information security. I had to select this DBA program because it is the most suitable for my schedule. Anyways, long story short: I have to choose a business research topic that is somehow IT related because that’s what I’m passionate about. And this is where I’m having a problem. It would have been easy if I was looking for a cyber security or IT topic (because it is my field) but that’s not the case. In my opinion, topic selection is the most important thing. I can’t possibly start a long journey with an inappropriate topic. Now, as some of you may know, there are conditions for good topics. One of…

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