The four cybersecurity questions government agencies should ask themselves


“Much of the cybersecurity world operates the way emergency department physicians have to often operate,” observed Professor Steven Weber, Founder and former Director for the UC Berkeley Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity at AI x GOV 2022. Rather than tackling long term problems, their focus is fixed on resolving the crisis of the day.

UC Berkeley’s Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity aims to counter this trend with its long term perspective over years and decades – envisioning tomorrow’s cybersecurity challenges, today.

At his keynote speech during AI x GOV’s cyber diplomacy panel, Weber discussed how a diversity of responses today can better prepare the world for a more resilient cyber landscape in the future. He also shared four key questions government agencies should ask themselves when developing cybersecurity strategies.

The need to avoid uniform attack surfaces

To look to the future, we need to look at the past. Weber pointed to the period of optimism around the Internet in the 1990s, when there was a belief that the Internet would usher in greater democratisation and decentralisation. This failed to account for two factors: technology…

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