The Key to Preventing Production Network Attacks Is to Start Looking Within — Security Today


The Key to Preventing Production Network Attacks Is to Start Looking Within

The business of cybercrime is rapidly increasing in scope and scale. The cost incurred by companies due to data breaches increased by nearly 10 percent from 2020 to 2021, meaning if the cost incurred by attacks was measured against the GDPs of all the nations of the world, it would be third largest, just lagging behind the U.S. and China. This growth only makes cybercrime more attractive to bad actors, giving this shadow economy access to more resources, talent, and, consequently, innovation — leading to our current predicament in which threats are emerging and evolving at an unprecedented pace.

Production environments are an especially attractive target for cybercriminals because disruptions to them are so costly. If a bad actor takes down a corporate network, it can inhibit business as usual for the employees, such as impacting payroll or their ability to communicate…

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