The importance of stopping identity sprawl for cybersecurity


Article by One Identity APJ technical director Serkan Cetin.

Most cyberattacks are caused by a common vulnerability – compromised credentials.

In fact, the 2021 Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) shows that 61% of all breaches involve malicious actors gaining unauthorised, privileged access to data by using a compromised credential. Unfortunately, it is often too late when the misuse of a credential is detected.

Is Jane Doe in your payroll system the same user as JaneD in your CRM software, and is it the same JDoe in that SaaS application? Should this person have access to all these resources and applications? If Jane has multiple accounts and is among tens, hundreds, or thousands of other employees, how can we detect if they have been hacked by a cyber-criminal who would now have access to critical company information?

What is identity sprawl, and why does it matter?

Identity sprawl occurs due to a combination of 3 primary reasons:

1)    Increase in the number of users, including internal, external and customers. 

2)    Increase in the number of machine identities, such as IoT and digital workers (RPA), to automate various tasks.

3)  …

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