Cisco breached by Yanluowang ransomware gang in May


Cisco Systems Inc. today confirmed that its network was breached in a ransomware attack in May.

The attack was undertaken by the Yanluowang ransomware gang, which then attempted to extort Cisco with the threat that if a ransom wasn’t paid, the stolen files would be released.

“Cisco experienced a security incident on our corporate network in late May 2022 and we immediately took action to contain and eradicate the bad actors,” a spokesperson for the company said. “Cisco did not identify any impact to our business as a result of this incident, including Cisco products or services, sensitive customer data or sensitive employee information, intellectual property, or supply chain operations.”

The Cisco spokesperson added that the Yanluowang gang published a list of files from the attack on the dark web on Aug. 10. The gang is claiming to have stolen 2.8 gigabytes of data.

The Yanluowang ransomware gang gained access to Cisco’s network using an employee’s stolen credentials after hijacking the employee’s Google account that contained credentials synced from their browser, Bleeping Computer reported. The attackers persuaded the Cisco employee to accept…

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